
Case Studies

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Christian Weinkauf
Head of Operations Germany and Poland

“Our experience with CreaLog over the last eight years has been excellent. The collaboration has been remarkable for a true spirit of partnership and a high degree of flexibility. Innovative approaches and fast turnarounds exactly meet the demands that a market leader such as PAYBACK faces.”

“Thanks to state-of-the-art voice recognition technology, callers will find the dialog easy to use. What is more, the Voice Portal offers one essential customer-friendly advantage: the PAYBACK service is always accessible without any queuing or annoying BUSY tones. 

“It’s at call center level that you can reduce overheads. Originally, the advisors at the PAYBACK Call Center had to give the points info themselves over the phone and it’s precisely that kind of service that is easy to automate – simple procedures that the Voice Portal can take over. Then, when it comes to more complicated things such as complaints or detailed queries about ordering prizes, advisors are on hand to deal with the matter personally.”

Customer Care Voice Portal

Points, prizes and other advantages

PAYBACK, a member of the American Express Group, offers one of the world’s largest – and most successful – bonus points programs. A scheme whereby consumers, using just one card or app, can collect points locally, online or mobile at approximately 650 companies in Germany alone and redeem them for cash, vouchers, Airline Miles, and prizes. Alternatively, they can donate their points to an ambitious charity project in the PAYBACK donation world.

Fully automated and voice controlled Service Portal

  • Request points balance
  • Request premium delivery status
  • Order new member card
  • Change address, email and PIN

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