CreaLog is a leading vendor of ICT Carrier Solutions and IMS cloud native Service Delivery Platform solutions for Communication Service Providers. This includes Net Centric Call Recording, value-added services (voice, text messaging and USSD, e.g. televote), MRF, Business Voice VPN, service migration. SIP AS: Standard IMS Application Server plus network based IVR and professional services.
CreaLog has been delivering innovative and reliable telecommunications solutions for 30 years and is a multiple prize winner as a result. Our team offers our customers a very special service in more than 30 countries: they take personal responsibility for our customers from the initial kick-off to the solution go-live - and beyond. This allows us to offer our customers the best possible service.
Michael Kloos
Founder and Managing Director
Dr. Bernd Plannerer
Managing Director
Stefanie Appel
Divisional Director Finance and Human Resources
Dr. Marcel Birkhold
Divisional Director
The quality management system operated by CreaLog, has been certified according to ISO 9001:2015 (Reg. No. 1210017937 TMS) for Sales, Development and Operation of Telecommunication and Voice Automatization Solutions.
An Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001:2015 is included.
Please download our ISO Certificate for reference.
Customer and market-oriented quality
We orientate our products and services uncompromisingly to the wishes of our customers and the requirements of the market.
Our customers should be convinced of our services!
Quality and environmentally conscious employees
We are all responsible for the quality of our work. We achieve our common goals as a motivated and committed team. Our quality and environmental management systems in accordance with the ISO 9001 and 14001 standards support us in this.
Quality and environmental protection begins with each of us!
Economic success through quality
Every flawlessly executed job avoids costs and increases our competitiveness.
Quality and conservation of resources determine our corporate success!
Continuous improvement process
We want continuous improvement of all technical and operational processes, both in terms of quality and in terms of the company's environmental performance.
There is nothing that cannot be improved!
Preventive quality assurance - avoiding environmental pollution
We concentrate on the systematic avoidance of possible errors. Our planning and activities are designed to avoid environmental pollution.
Error avoidance instead of error elimination!
Our suppliers are partners
Our suppliers know and fulfil our quality and environmental requirements.
We work together with our suppliers on a long-term basis and in partnership!
Data protection
The protection of personal data is an important concern for us. As part of our social responsibility, we undertake to comply with the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).
Data protection has the highest priority!
Environmentally conscious action
We are committed to compliance with all relevant environmental laws and regulations. Our management system includes the implementation of legal regulations for environmental protection. For this purpose, environmental aspects of all activities are determined, traceable goals are implemented within the framework of improvement projects and the results are announced internally.
Occupational safety
The safety of our employees in particular is the focus of our activities. For this reason, our management system with its regulations is based on the valid regulations and guidelines for occupational safety.
We ensure compliance with all legal obligations, regulations and guidelines and promote a cooperation based on fairness and trust.
The aim of our corporate policy can be summarized as follows:
"Success through joint quality, environmental and safety awareness"
CreaLog stands by its social responsibility and is committed to sustainable business. Aspects of occupational health and safety, energy efficiency, and environmental protection are incorporated into all decisions. The actions of CreaLog employees must always be guided by the values of fairness and integrity.
In this context, CreaLog employees are committed to the following principles of responsible conduct:
CreaLog employees at all CreaLog locations are committed to observing, continuously reviewing and adapting the established guidelines. All CreaLog employees are committed to complying with the guidelines.
CreaLog Compliance Management aims at prevention, early detection, and immediate response. To avoid compliance violations, CreaLog relies on regular and comprehensive employee education, training and awareness. Each employee is informed of the applicable guidelines, laws and regulations through internal instructions for his or her area. This instruction also includes information on the legal consequences of compliance violations.