At the beginning of October 2018, participants from seven European countries met at the CreaLog Telco Summit 2018 in the exclusive Qvest Hotel, within sight of the Cologne Cathedral and the Rhine. The participants included representatives of Deutsche Telekom, T-Systems, Post Luxembourg, Swisscom, A1 Telekom Austria, Vodafone and Unitymedia. The roadshow, which was launched in 2013, has thus quickly developed into a successful summit meeting for decision-makers from the international telecommunications industry. Over two days, the specialists who travelled to the event gained valuable insights into the current CreaLog portfolio, got to know current projects and developments and intensively exchanged information.
In his keynote speech "Will robots take over telecommunications?" Reinhard Karger, speaker of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), explained why AI in its current form can well support people and work with them, but will not replace them in the long term.
CreaLog Managing Director Michael Kloos drew a bow from a quarter of a century of experience to current innovations and the growth path of the company. With ten new hires since January 2018, CreaLog is pushing ahead with the further development of its proven Service Delivery Platform. Senior Account Manager Andreas Schaub presented the further development of the successful Mobile Call Recording towards a universal, network-based recording.
How can corporate groups and large companies with several locations manage their entire telephony traffic better and more conveniently? How can intelligent telephony networks simplify configuration, administration and routing? What are the new functions of the CreaLog solutions like? Key Account Manager Michael Michler provided convincing answers to these questions before Michael Kloos took up the topic of the keynote again: He made it clear how companies can improve their customer service with CreaLog telephony and transcription solutions through the use of artificial intelligence. His conclusion: AI doesn't really learn on its own today. It needs human support in order to be able to distinguish between random and real connections. The excellent methodological and industry knowledge of the CreaLog employees therefore offers customers an indispensable added value to the AI-based analysis of dialogs when it comes to recognizing actual dependencies.