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CreaLog Telco Summit 2019 - New sales potential for international Telcos

Munich, November 2019 - The location of the CreaLog Telco Summit 2019 in mid-October in the Schwabing district surprised the participants with a spectacular view over the rooftops of Munich. But the seventh CreaLog Telco Summit also offered decision-makers from Deutsche Telekom, A1 Telekom Austria, Swisscom, T-Mobile, Unitymedia, T-Systems and other network operators many new perspectives: Right at the start, digitization expert Berthold Glass explained in his keynote why in times of digital transformation the management requires an update. In addition, CreaLog experts presented a whole range of new products and solutions with which international telecommunications companies can tap new revenue potential and position themselves even better for the future.

Why the management needs an update 
The traditional corporate structures from times of the industrial revolution no longer fit in with the challenges of today's digital knowledge society. Management is therefore strongly advised to fundamentally change their mindset if their companies are to continue to play a role tomorrow. Those who rest on their laurels will be overtaken by start-ups that can reinvent decades-old business models in the shortest possible time and transform them into the digital present. This is the short summary of the exciting keynote by Berthold Glass, a renowned german digitization expert. According to Glass, forward-looking managers are in demand who promote a 365-degree view and

  • cultivate a knowledge and feedback culture in their company, 
  • install small and agile units with short decision paths acting as freely as possible, 
  • say goodbye to the 9 to 5 model with rigid working hours and locations.


Fit for the future with CreaLog Telco Solutions 
The changed business models of telcos and network operators are developing further and further towards pay-per-use, flat fee and individual billing models. These offer much greater flexibility in billing and service for enterprise customers who are now increasingly turning to cloud and network-based solutions. This reduces the CAPEX for the technological infrastructure, and at the same time an increased ARPU (average revenue per user or customer) can be achieved. 

This is exactly where CreaLog Managing Director Michael Kloos and Senior Account Manager Michael Michler started their presentations: The CreaLog Service Delivery Platform for next-generation applications in the intelligent network (NG-IN Applications) enables telecommunications companies and their customers to quickly and easily develop and implement new services and business models in fixed and mobile networks.

Configure landline and mobile connections in a single interface for agile teams and mobile employees
Another core topic of the Telco Summit 2019 was the need to provide practicable solutions for SMEs, mobile employees or home workers. The new CreaLog B2B standard network application 'Virtual Office/PBX' takes this into account: The modular structure enables the creation of so-called search groups (hunt groups) for targeted call transmission according to predefined parameters. The individual modules can accept, forward or mediate calls and thus considerably simplify effective collaboration in small and agile teams. 

Call Recording 2.0 as a cross-industry recording solution
On the second day, CreaLog Senior Account Manager Andreas Schaub presented the great potential of Call Recording 2.0 for telecommunications companies: The evolution of the previous, MiFID II-compliant call recording Mobile Call Recording into a solution for companies from various industries, consumers and contact centers.


CreaLog Telco Summit 2020 Logo
Keynote by digitization expert Berthold Glass: 'Digital Transformation - Why the management needs an update', using numerous examples to illustrate why modern managers urgently need to free themselves from old thought patterns.
CreaLog Managing Director Michael Kloos presenting the new application 'Virtual Office/PBX', with allows companies to effectively integrate their mobile or home office employees into their call distribution.
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