Multi-factor authentication thus offers significantly greater protection against unauthorized access. It is not enough for the attacker to know the combination of user name and password. He additionally needs access to a trusted device or app that is authorized to receive and use the one-time security code (one-time passcode/OTP).
The CreaLog platform SDP7 basically supports the well-known communication channels e-mail (useful for example in corporate networks) and SMS + OTP to the user's mobile number.
Additionally, widely used authenticator apps (e.g. from Google, Microsoft, LastPass, etc.) or cross-market solutions such as Mobile Connect can also be integrated.
This results in a wide range of options that can be applied depending on security and usability requirements.
In addition to these generally available communication channels, the CreaLog platform naturally also supports proprietary and company-specific authentication solutions that are integrated into the CreaLog framework on a customer-specific basis.
Contact us now if you would like to add multi-factor authentication to your CreaLog platform.