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Privacy by default

Why anonymization and data protection for call recordings are so important to us

Conversations in customer care have been recorded for decades for documentation and quality improvement. Almost everyone knows the familiar phrase for consenting to conversations with corporate customer service: "Please say 'yes' if you agree to a recording." And rightly so, because customers and employees have sovereignty over their personal data and its processing not just since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into effect.

However, technological advances in the automated recording of telephone conversations have brought the issue of data protection and data sovereignty to the forefront: What exactly happens to the telephone calls and their personal content that are available in text form?

The employee's view

When it comes to call recordings and the transcription of conversations, employees and their representatives are often rightly critical and skeptical. Is it possible to make personal assessments based on individual telephone calls? Who can listen to these telephone calls and now also read them? How is further processing done and how long are the recordings and texts stored? These are just some of the questions that need to be considered in this context.

However, a large part of the concerns can be addressed with CreaLog technologies for secure anonymization of your own employees. Here are a few examples:

  • Employee names and other personal data are automatically recognized and immediately noised for anonymization in the call recording or replaced in the transcription by placeholders such as asterisks.
  • Individual digits or strings of digits (telephone numbers/extensions) can also be filtered and then anonymized or deleted from the recordings.
  • In smaller service units, colleagues can often be easily recognized by their voice. To rule this out, the voice can be distorted in the call recordings by changing the pitch and speed so that it is no longer possible to draw conclusions about the individual employee. 

The caller's view

For callers, too, GDPR-compliant data processing is enormously important and increases customers' trust in the company. After all, who would want their personal data to remain permanently stored as part of quality management? Here are some examples where personal customer data can be identified and anonymized directly in the recording or transcription process:

  • Names, phone numbers, dates of birth, and addresses,
  • social security numbers and health information,
  • account balances or delinquencies,
  • passwords, PINs, and many other sensitive and private data. 


CreaLog offers a wide range of options for its call recording and call transcription solutions to make them GDPR compliant and adapted to existing company agreements. We offer privacy as standard (privacy by default) and are happy to advise you on how to implement it in your company.


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