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Legacy TDM Enterprise IVR migrated to IMS

As part of the IMS (All-IP) strategy of a major European Telco, all Enterprise IVR services were migrated from a legacy TDM third-party platform to the CreaLog Multi-Application Platform. For this purpose the compatible new IMS Access Elements (MRF) were integrated into the existing software application architecture. The new VoIP-based target architecture includes a production, staging and test environment.

By consolidating on a central platform, the Enterprise IVR services access already existing software resources (channel software, codecs,...) and thus achieve attractive economies of scale. Further savings were obtained in operation, software maintenance and training, as well as by the reduction of interfaces and network components. This delivered a very fast return on investment.

In the course of the migration, a large number of standard and customer-specific voice services had to be redesigned and programmed by CreaLog and the telco staff. The ported services cover a very wide range of applications. They stretch from call recording, corporate voicemail, wake-up or alarm calls to very individual solutions for companies such as order tracking, emergency pharmacy services and service quality surveys. For some tasks within the services, the latest speech recognition and text-to-speech resources are now in use. They have been integrated into the application landscape and can now also be used for upcoming, new tasks.

During the migration of the applications, employees of the development teams at Telco and CreaLog worked hand in hand. Since the Telco development team was trained on the CreaLog Service Creation Environment CDG, all applications could be completely ported within a short period of time and without any service interruptions or deviations in service usage for the enterprise customers.

In the future, the value-added services and applications for business customers will be combined on a central platform with a uniform service development environment (CreaLog CDG). This way Enterprise IVR, Cloud Contact Center and Recording form a homogeneous solution for the market. In addition, new and interesting expansion options are available for the Telco Enterprise portfolio. These include multilingual voice portals (VoiceBots) and call transcription services for use in artificial intelligence applications.


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