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Comprehensive customer care automation for large network operator

A major telco from Eastern Europe with more than 25 million customers in the mobile, broadband Internet and fixed network sectors has commissioned CreaLog to implement a holistic self-service infrastructure for all voice- and text-based inquiries. The aim is to ensure optimum customer care for a wide range of new and old contracts, either automated or through personal consultation.


War is terrible and leads to immense suffering, not only in the countries affected. Often, the smartphone is then the only way for relatives to stay in touch with their families, who may have had to flee abroad. This is precisely why the telco networks must function, and the infrastructure must be protected at all costs. Automation in customer service can compensate for missing staff during events and help the remaining team to focus on the really important tasks. 

Reduce costs and improve service through automation

Migrating existing dialogs from the various, distributed voice and text channels to a new, consolidated platform was one of the core tasks. Only a state-of-the-art omnichannel Conversational AI solution could be considered for this. The Conversational AI platform makes it possible to develop VoiceBots and ChatBots with which the telco can sustainably improve its customer communication. Especially when the telco integrates these virtual assistants into hotlines, websites, messaging platforms, mobile apps and other channels.

First bots quickly in use

Just a few months after awarding the contract to CreaLog, the first novel voice and chat bots go live at the customer's site. They form the basis for a new generation of AI-based omnichannel self-service with case-closing transactions on all channels. Step by step, more and more processes will subsequently be automated.

Global bot for intent recognition: Recognizing what the customer really wants

The topics and thus the reasons for contact are more than diverse: from technology and contracts to invoices and products to terms and rates. In order to handle the most diverse requests, the Telco-CreaLog team implements a powerful bot architecture: a global bot focuses on the intents, i.e. on what the customer wants to achieve or learn. This bot then distributes the request to the relevant expert bot. The telecommunications market leader currently has a total of 157 voice and chat bots in its solution.

State-of-the-art technology for voice recognition and playback

Customers can freely formulate their requests and concerns in their own language and interact with the ServiceBots in a completely natural way. The entire self-service infrastructure is fully integrated into the service center environment, live chat and the telco's back-end systems, and also accesses information from third-party systems via an API interface.

Self service today: case closure on all channels, 85 percent success rate

Legitimate customers of the telco log in and clarify their concerns in a case-closing voice or text dialog. Customers can update their address and contact data, change their available data volume, change their rate plan, book additional options, and much more. On all digital channels, the ChatBots successfully process a total of 5,000 inquiries per day. At peak load, the VoiceBot handles around 250,000 aggregated calls a day. And it does so extremely successfully, as an example from July 1, 2023 shows: Out of 257,636 calls, there were only 38,427 forwarding attempts to the call center - that corresponds to a success rate of around 85 percent!

Proactive ChatBots for different tasks

The solution enables proactive communication with customers when they are not active themselves. To do this, the ChatBot initiates questions or suggestions directly on the topic of the page the user is currently on. Or it points out current offers, rates and services. This also works with customers who prefer messenger services such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Viber or others. As an add-on, the shared knowledge base contains numerous answers to off-topic topics in all required languages. In addition, the bot takes the context of the conversation into account in the dialog, interprets emojis, punctuation and - depending on the context of the conversation - can also play images or videos.


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