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Using CreaLog solutions barrier-free

CreaLog Voice Portals and VoiceBots provide consumers with round-the-clock access to companies' customer service in a wide range of industries. A broad range of services such as telephone banking, product ordering, insurance contracts or meter reading at the energy providers are available simply by voice control.

But also the system administrators of our solutions sometimes depend on barrier-free access when setting up and configuring services. CreaLog solutions therefore support the high-contrast mode of Windows and also screen readers such as NVDA and JAWS.

The CreaLog Platform 7 supports accessibility! 
To enable companies to provide barrier-free workplaces in IT administration and customer service, the administration interfaces of our solutions support people whose vision is impaired or who are blind.

In a first step these employees are helped by the 'High Contrast Mode' with white writing on a black background. To enable blind people to use the admin interfaces, the CreaLog Platform 7 NVDA and JAWS supports screen readers. All graphical control elements are also provided with suitable alternative texts (ALTtext). Additional ARIA labels (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) are added to the HTML code to further specify browser elements to output information such as combo box, drop-down list or text field.

Currently, this applies to CreaLog recording solutions. Other CreaLog Plattform 7 user interfaces can be adapted for barrier-free use at any time. 

All this is in accordance with legal requirements, because "Nobody may be discriminated against because of their disability. This is stated in article 3, paragraph 3, of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Ninth Book of the Social Security Code (SGB IX) comprises all legal regulations for the rehabilitation and participation of people with disabilities."

Please feel free to contact us for further information or a presentation of the administration interfaces via our consultation button or our contact form.


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