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CreaLog Network Contact Center | White Paper (Englisch)

The CreaLog Network Contact Center Solution opens up great opportunities for network operators to approach their corporate customers with a compelling value proposition and offers great scaling flexibility for their customers: Its deployment options range from small businesses in need for a flexible automatic call distribution (ACD) system right up to enterprise organizations wishing to implement and operate a feature-rich contact center serving their customers at any time or place.

Organizations still using locally deployed legacy call distribution systems run the risk of eventually reaching their solutions’ end-of-life, resulting in discontinued support. This leaves the businesses with obsolete equipment that needs replacing at short notice and considerable cost. A Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution is an easy way out of this fix, because the Telco Network deployed Contact Center Solution offers a simple alternative for migrating Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) into the cloud.

CreaLog Cloud Contact Center
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