
Financial Institutions Recording Use Case

Call Recording for Financial institutions

Audit-proof — Legally compliant — Highest security

How can financial institutions and advisors comply with relevant regulations using a call capture and voice AI solution that provides risk prevention and fraud protection? 

The Europe-wide financial markets directive MiFID II stipulates the recording of telephone conversations between customers and bank employees via mobile or fixed line networks. CreaLog net-centric Recording for legally compliant recording (taping) of such conversations has gained acceptance throughout Europe. The solution is audit-proof and works with maximum encryption according to the highest security standards. It enables business continuity whilst consulting on the go. 

Application areas for CreaLog Recording (CR)

CreaLog Recording is primarily aimed at banks and brokers, who have to record consulting conversations in a highly secure and unalterable way according to MiFID II, FINMA, BaFin or other regulatory schemes.

In use throughout Europe

More than ten international telecommunication companies already offer the intelligent CreaLog solution to their business customers and thus react to the high demand of the entire financial sector. Among the providers are Deutsche Telekom in seven European countries, A1 Telekom Austria, Swisscom in Switzerland and POST Telecom Luxembourg.

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