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CreaLog Message Broker | White Paper (Englisch)

Secure and grow SMS and MMS sales volumes. SMS and MMS Messages travel fast and reliable – even when mobile phone reception is impaired and during active telephone calls or data transfers. This is why SMS and MMS messages are increasingly being used alongside the usual value-added services to transfer important information.

Common examples include banking transaction numbers (mTAN), micro payment applications, delay notifications, maintenance data from vending machines, and alarm device signaling. As a rule, SMS messages arriving at mobile phones are read very quickly and enjoy much higher attention by most users than messages from other messaging services. Studies reveal that 90 per cent of all SMS messages sent are opened within three minutes or less.

The CreaLog Message Broker is a bridge connecting the mobile telephone operator‘s network elements (SMSC and MMSC) with the SMS/MMS service providers. Real time charging for premium SMS messages with prior evaluation of basic parameters including age limits, credit rating, available credit balance, and sender‘s authentication is a key feature of the Message Broker. The CreaLog Message Broker is a highly scalable Service Delivery Platform (SDP) that offers customizing flexibility for existing network architectures and legal frameworks.

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