AI has the potential to significantly improve the customer experience. To achieve this, a…
Instead of gifts, this year we are proudly supporting the "Kick ins Leben" foundation with…
Today we would like to tell you about a very special initiative that is close to our…
Why does CreaLog donate jerseys, shorts and socks to a children's football club in…
CREALOG online SUMMIT on January 30: for all those who could not attend the live…
The "CreaLog Summit 2023," themed "The Future of Voice," attracted top experts to…
A major telco from Eastern Europe with more than 25 million customers in the mobile,…
The importance of voice applications will continue to grow in the future. This is one of…
This year's Summit will be very different from previous years: just as interesting, but…
These highlights illustrate the success of the long-standing cooperation between Swisscom…
"When the war against Ukraine began, I had just spent two days as an intern at CreaLog.…
Angola's largest mobile operator UNITEL, with more than six million customers, has…
On October 1, 2004, the home shopping channel launches a new and unusual concept…
Are you still running too many B2B and B2C solutions in application silos? Are you losing…
When you hear PAYBACK, you immediately think of collecting points. Specifically from the…
Different hearing abilities can create barriers in various social settings, such as…
"Telephone banking is alive and well," exclaimed our Conversational AI Evangelist Thomas…
In the CreaLog webinar "Always engaged? Managing call peaks and smartly automate standard…
The wild years 1993 to 1999 ... Talkingweb is way ahead of its time. In fall 1999, Burda…
Order the new CreaLog Telecom Application Catalog now and learn how Telcos can use the…
Did you know that all CreaLog solutions are implemented on the central service delivery…
The wild years 1993 to 1999 ... Racing, surfing and swimming with Hugo in 1995. The big…
You may wish it were true, but even at Christmas time it's impossible to ignore it:…
The CreaLog Telco Summit 2022, held at the end of October at Motorwelt München, focused on…
In the event of a serious accident, rapid assistance to save human lives is, what really…
"Please press 1 if your call concerns your current invoice, press 2 for all other issues":…
In mid-September, the partners of the Institute for Customer Experience Management (i-CEM)…
In your role as a consumer, you're probably familiar with the scenario: Having legitimized…
On 20 and 21 October 2022 we cordially invite you to the exclusive CreaLog Telco Summit…
Some make a lot of money with it, others don't know (yet) how to go about it: We're…
Another valuable gem in CreaLog's large award collection: The 'Digital Partner 2021…
CreaLog service automation tips in a webinar as part of i-CEM's 9th Customer Service Week
Stefan Riesel is Key Account Manager and digitization specialist for enterprise customers…
Isn't it wonderful that there are traditions that are passed down from generation to…
Together, we achieve more: The i-Service Initiative of the Hamburg-based Institute for…
Reducing telecommunications network operators to their function as carriers and…
In the late 1990s, CreaLog switched its speech processing platform operating system from…
10,700 visitors on site from 183 countries, 352 hours of content from over 1,000 speakers…
Following the invasion of Ukraine, SOS Children's Villages has launched an extensive aid…
Telecommunications providers everywhere face the challenge of answering large numbers of…
Joint project by Unitel, People in Need and CreaLog aims to prevent HIV infection of…
Eberhard Kuom, Head of Finance and Operations at, sums it up: "We want to make…
We admit that speaking might not be the right term, because we are speaking about CreaLog…
According to Statista, in 2020 the worldwide turnover with cloud computing totaled 270…
AI-based solutions by the telephony supplier CreaLog are enjoying strong demand in Corona…
If you visited our website recently, you might have noticed the new functions and…
Whether early in the morning or late at night: is Germany's largest TV auction…
Since the introduction of 4G LTE and VoLTE in 2016, voice quality in mobile networks and…
To significantly increase customer and employee satisfaction and boost productivity,…
Why anonymization and data protection for call recordings are so important to…
The driving force of the utility industry is the transformation from power generation to…
The CreaLog MRF building blocks help Communication Service Providers to deliver multimedia…
CreaLog's SDP7 platform offers users of the web interfaces multi-factor authentication in…
24/7 availability for secure access
Six german federal states, one ICT service provider
The omnichannel concept for a systemic customer experience has received a major boost in…
Cloud computing is one of the key drivers in the digitalization of business processes.…
There can be no talk of 'business as usual' in 2020. A lot has changed and especially…
Network operators and other communications service providers are currently considerable…
With almost 100 participants from 19 European and African countries, the first Online…
10 quick tips for better communication
Back in the old days: The people were in a frenzy struggling with bad IVRs. People refuse…
"The automated voice response solution is an indispensable ingredient for our service…
As part of the IMS (All-IP) strategy of a major European Telco, all Enterprise IVR…
"The central service number 115 follows high quality requirements and aims to provide…
CreaLog Call Recording – network-based!
"We are the only communication provider in Austria that is consistently…
CreaLog Voice Portals and VoiceBots provide consumers with round-the-clock access to…
Companies such as Swisscom depend on reliable partners for tailoring existing standard…
The driving force of the utility industry is the transformation from power generation to…
Digitization on the rise
CreaLog Mobile Call Recording supports the financial industry in the Corona pandemic
The current system version of our platform also supports PostgreSQL databases
This is one of the most important key figures in telephone customer service for companies:…
Interactive and intelligent voice services in customer care are still on the rise. Because…
Are interactive and intelligent voice services experiencing a renaissance in customer care…
Platform for Number Translation and Business Voice VPN
Munich, November 2019 - The location of the CreaLog Telco Summit 2019 in mid-October in…
Munich, October 2019 – CreaLog, a telco solution provider, uses HPE ProLiant servers, the…
Tightened Financial Market rules may soon also affect freelancing brokers.
A VoiceBot is a virtual assistant that facilitates communication between man and machine…
Comparative tests are popular, as they show consumers quickly and clearly how, for…
What may the people have thought, who end up of the 18th century a demonstration of the…
Jury recognizes successful projects abroad
Call Center add-on for safe storage
CreaLog Televote celebrates huge success with the casting show "Unitel Estrelas ao Palco…
This year, CreaLog celebrates it's 25th anniversary. Time to have a look at milestones in…
In our new interview series "3 questions to..." our CreaLog talents step out of the office…
Latest speech recognition technology takes customer service to the next level
Why the combination of IN and IVR offers real added value
This year, CreaLog celebrates it's 25th anniversary. Time to have a look at milestones in…
More than 200 guests and 50 companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland at the award…
A1 Telekom, Deutsche Telekom, and Swisscom celebrate with CreaLog
New CreaLog Platform 7 takes transcription to the next level
CreaLog supports highly popular TV Show in cooperation with Unitel
Call Recording interoperable with BroadWorks SIPREC Interface
ECR records calls that an employee makes on a business mobile phone as part of his or her…
Mobile Call Recording implemented at 10 European Telcos and still growing
This year, CreaLog celebrates it's 25th anniversary. Time to have a look at milestones in…
Successful SMEs: 5 German Stevie Awards 2018 for technology solutions from Munich.…